Tuesday, April 24, 2007



I wondered into Selfridge's lingerie department today along with lots of middle-aged women buying sensible beige bras, a Muslim woman in a burkha shopping with her husband, and a wealthy-looking foreign 'gentleman' purring into a mobile while handing piles of Agent Provocateur demi-cup bras and basques to a sales assistant.

Anyway, I had decided the time had finally come to get my bra size measured. I'd heard for years that 90% of women wear the wrong size bra, but have always assumed this somehow didn't apply to me. And I was completely shocked by what the fitter told me when she put away her tape measure. She declared me to be 2 cup sizes bigger than I have believed for my entire adult life, and 2 rib-measurement sizes (the 32/34/36/38 bit) smaller than I have always believed. I have therefore been wearing totally ill-fitting underwear for all these years.

Amazed, I tried on a load of bras in my 'new' size and they fitted perfectly! I realised that for years I have been living unnecessarily with bulges and gaps in all the wrong places and with far too little 'support'. It was a complete revelation. All I can say to any woman reading this who has not been measured is try it and you might have an excuse to buy yourself a whole new lingerie wardrobe!

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