Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Poetry and a spa

Went to our MA group's poetry reading tonight. There are some really good new poets out there! Rock on.

Tomorrow I'm off to Champneys Tring for a press day. Can't wait.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Comedy and castings

We had our final creative writing workshop yesterday, and my teacher and fellow students told me they have concluded comedy is what I do best and where my real voice is. My recent work has been really serious, and they say it lacks something. So I am going back to writing absurd black comedy - hurrah. I realise this posting is not really very comic, in fact it's quite wooden and deadpan, but hey, that's how I feel this Tuesday morning with a feature to write, a case study to find and £1000 I haven't been paid by a very annoying company to recover.

Just a quick mention of Mansfield Park on ITV on Sunday though, and Becoming Jane, which I saw last week. How was it possible for the casting on these two latest Austenfests to go so badly, badly wrong? Billie as Fanny, laughing loudly and running around impetuously, with all that passion and heaving bosom, was just WEIRD. The character's meant to be the meekest, mildest, quietest mouse. And then Anne Hathaway as Jane herself - I know they had to pick somweone staggeringly beautiful, but Anne is just far too exotic, pouty, all-American and movie-starrish to play a solidly English writer who by all accounts was no better than average looking.

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