Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Why I never blog

I do find it very difficult to come up with suitable subjects for my posts. As it's pretty public, I don't like to write anything at all personal, which cuts out the following topics: the ending of relationships (two break ups in six months and I haven't breathed a word till now!); friendships; the ins and outs of work; etc etc.

All I can really say at the moment is that living in Hampstead, as I am doing temporarily, has certain differences from living in Islington. In Hampstead,

- at the gym, you see guys reading the FT on the exercycles.
- drivers don't thank other drivers for letting them pass.
- hoodies are an endangered species as opposed to kings of the streets.
- the neighbours wear barbours and work in the city.
- there are no amazing restaurants but lots of pointless shops to buy things like executive aquariums.
- the Northern line is a living hell. 13 minutes can pass between trains! On a regular basis!

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